The goal of this multi-year project is to reduce threats to Leatherback sea turtle, North Atlantic right whale, three species of wolffish, and other aquatic species at risk in waters of Newfoundland and Labrador by targeting two priority threats: ingestion of plastic waste and entanglement in fishing gear. It also aims to reduce threats to wild Atlantic salmon along the South Coast of Newfoundland.

Project staff engage hundreds of commercial harvesters from small-boat fisheries in dockside dialogue at ports across the province. They encourage harvesters to release wolffish live, avoid entanglements, and report sightings of at-risk species. They also work with harbor authorities to organize the collection and disposal of plastic bait box liners that were previously discarded at sea. Beach clean-ups, in-school instruction, and highlighting local fishing industry champions are strategies that contribute to the popularity and adoption of these measures.

The project is funded with a multi-year contribution from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and is implemented through a partnering nonprofit organization in Newfoundland, Intervale Associates Inc.